O"Ahu & Honolulu Insideout City Guide with Other and Pens/Pencils and Map (Insideout City Guide: Oahu/Honolulu)
Price 11.95 USD
This portable, attractive travel guide includes a 64-page insider guide, compass, and PopOut™ maps to help you travel intelligently around O"ahu and Honolulu. This guide highlights the best beaches for sunbathing, swimming, surfing, snorkeling, strolling, and sports, along with main tourist attractions such as museums, art galleries, zoos, and gardens. O"ahu/Honolulu Insideout Guide reviews a range of accommodations, from the palatial to the beachside hut, and covers shopping from exclusive fashion boutiques to specialist surfboarders" shops. Over 50 restaurants specializing in ethnic cuisines (Chinese dim sum to Portuguese pastries), Hawaiian regional cuisine, and vast La"au feasts are featured. A concluding section provides transportation, weather, and regional custom information. Bound in durable, flexible gunmetal-gray and black plastic, with colorful photos throughout, these pocket books stand up to frequent use on-the-go and have tremendous visual appeal.