A Handbook Of Bankruptcy Law: Embodying The Full Text Of The Act Of Congress Of 1898, And Annotated With References To Pertinent Decisions Under Former Statutes

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781584775324

Black, H[enry] Campbell. A Handbook of Bankruptcy Law: Embodying the Full Text of the Act of Congress of 1898, and Annotated with References to Pertinent Decisions Under Former Statutes. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1898. viii, 326 pp. Reprinted 2005 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN 1-58477-532-7. Cloth. * Reprint of the first edition. This treatise contains the complete text of the important National Bankruptcy Act of 1898 with interpretative annotations. Taken together, they are an important document of the act"s initial reception. In these Black [1860-1927] "gives special prominence...to the elucidation of those questions which will probably first come before the courts for settlement--questions, that is, of jurisdiction, of procedure, of the persons and corporations entitled to take advantage of the law, or liable to be proceeded against under it, and in regard to the acts of bankruptcy upon which a petition in involuntary cases may be founded (v). A response to the Panic of 1893, the 1898 act was the first to address the complexity and national scope of modern industrial capitalism. Best known for his law dictionary, Black wrote respected treatises on constitutional law, contracts, taxation and other subjects.