Polynesian Research: Society Islands

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780804804783

This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1831. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... CHAP. XIV. Geographical divisions of Hawaii--Temple of 1"elc-- Division of Hiro--Missionary labours--Journey across the hills to Towaihae--Description of Waipio ValleyFuneral ceremonies among the natives--Another place of refuge--Notions of a future state--Voyage to Waimanu--Swimming in the surf a popular amusement-- Ingenious method of staining calabashes--Value of the Kukui tree--Interest manifested at this place in the instructions of the missionaries -- Fall of immense masses of rocks--Halaua--Drinking ava--Character of Tamehameha--Account of the tabu. Several members of the family we had lodged with, united with us in our morning worship on the 15th, after which we breakfasted together. While thus engaged, Makoa, who had remained at the last place where we stopped, arrived with our baggage, and about eight A. M. we were ready to proceed. Unwilling that our hostess should suffer by her kindness, we presented her with as much blue cotton cloth as would amply pay for the supper she had generously furnished last evening, and then set out on our journey. The wide-extended prospect which our morning walk afforded, of the ocean, and the shores of Hamakua, on our right, was agreeably diversified by the occasional appearance of the snow-capt peaks of Mouna-Kea, seen through the openings in the trees, on our left. The body of the mountain was BOUNDART MARKS. 349 hid by the wood, and the different peaks only appeared like so many distinct hills at a great distance. The highest peak bore south-west-by-south from Hunvuula. The high land over which we passed was generally woody, though the trees were not large. The places that were free from wood, were covered with long grass and luxuriant ferns. The houses mostly stood singly, and were scattered over the face o...