Historical Works; Discovery of America

Price 26.05 - 26.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235751318

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1892. Excerpt: ... 268; becomei known to Europeans M Cathay, i. 277; first knowledge of an ocean beyond, i. 278; Bacon on the distance from Spain westward to, i. 279; visited by the Polo brothers, i. 281, 282; Odoric"s visit to, i. 290; closed to Europeans, i. 291; described by Marco Polo, i. 358, 359; according to Toscanelli, i. 376; belief that Cuba was a part of, i. 444; Peter Martyr"s doubts about, i. 445; Andrade reaches, ii. 183. Chinese, their discovery of Fusang, i. 148,149; classed as civilized, i. 32. Chirihuauas, cannibals, attempts to Bub jugate, ii. 349; their communal houses, ii. 350. Chirlqui, tombs in the province of, ii. 294. Choc taws, i. 42. Choiseul-Daillecourt, his work on the Crusades, i. 272. Cholula, population of, i. 95; plot to entrap Cortes at, ii. 256. Christianity, in Norway and Iceland, i. 163,164; in Greenland, i. 221,222; in Europe in the year 1000, i. 259, 260; in Asia, i. 269; and the Cru-sades, i. 270; and the Turks, i. 271; its influence with Henry the Naviga-tor, Columbus, and Cortes, i. 318; and the slave-trade, I. 323, 324; in the time of Magellan, illustrated by his character, ii. 205; and Aztec gods.ii. 226; and vicarious sacrifice, 0. 283, 284; in Cuba, ii. 446; Las Casas and, ii. 464,465; in Spain, ii. 562,563; uniformity in religious beliefs not desirable, ii. 564; the In-quisition, ii. 564. Chupas, battle at, ii. 418. Cibao, explanation of, i. 467. Cibola, Seven Cities of, ii. 504. Cieza de Leon, Pedro, his life and works, ii. 304, 306; part of his work attributed by Prescott to Sarmiento, ii. 306; on Peru under the Incas, ii. 327; on the deposition of Urco and the power of the council, ii. 336; on burying widows alive, ii. 343; on the improved condition of Indians in Peru after Las Casas"s work, ii. 476. CihuacoatI, or. snake-wo...