Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
Price 242.49 - 400.00 USD
The Civil Engineering Reference Manual provides a comprehensive review of all five NCEES Civil PE exam content areas: construction, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources and environmental engineering.Over 500 example problems not only demonstrate how to apply important concepts and equations, they also include step-by-step solutions that show you the most efficient methods to use when solving exam problems.With more than 100 appendices from references and exam-adopted design standards it’s possible to solve many exam problems using only the Civil Engineering Reference Manual.Features of the Civil Engineering Reference Manual More than 500 example problems Over 400 defined engineering terms References to over 3,300 equations, 760 figures, and 500 tables Index includes cross-topic concepts Example problems use both SI and U.S. Customary units Consistent nomenclature in each chapter Coverage of both theory and practical applications Easy-to-read explanations Easy-to-use index and full glossaryExam Topics Covered (used in main product description in Magento, and also in the separate “Topics Covered” field) Construction: Earthwork construction and layout; material quality control and production; quantity and cost estimation; temporary structures; scheduling Geotechnical: Earth and earth-retaining structures; shallow foundations; soil mechanics analysis; soils and materials properties; subsurface exploration and sampling Structural: Loadings; analysis; materials and their mechanics; member design Transportation: Geometric design Water Resources and Environmental: Closed conduit and open channel hydraulics; hydrology; water and wastewater treatmentWhat’s New in This Edition (used in main product description in Magento) Updated to current exam-adopted codes and standards for: AASHTO: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th ed., 2010 ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, 2008 ACI 530: Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures, 2008 IBC: International Building Code, 2009 Modified concrete and masonry chapters to be consistent with NCEES" revised structural specifications Removed all ACI 318 App. C theory, equations, and examples to be consistent with NCEES requirement of exclusive use of ACI 318 unified strength methods Provided new content, including Added new chapter on highway bridge rating 31 chapters with revisions to existing materials 10 chapters with new material 51 revised equations 13 new equations 15 revised tables 2 new tables 19 revised examples 5 new examples 3 revised appendices 13 revised figures 6 new figures Added 130 new index entries to new and existing material