Television and Radio Announcing, Third Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780395271087

This text provides students with a foundation in the performance aspects of announcing with a practical, career-oriented approach to the study of all types of broadcasting—sports, news, interviews, and commercials. The blend of theory and practice, as well as coverage of traditional and contemporary issues in announcing, serve as a valuable reference tool for new and experienced announcers, helping them become more effective and responsible communicators. To present a full picture of the field, the text is divided into two sections. The first outlines content such as interpretation of copy, ad-lib announcing, voice analysis and improvement, interviewing techniques, and pronunciation and articulation, combined with exercises for speech improvement. The second section keeps pace with innovations in the industry, including production practices, methods of distribution, and current styles in the news, narration, music, and sports.A Comprehensive Skills Survey highlights the most important assets students need in the field. Checklists at the end of each chapter review the practical broadcasting skills discussed and exercises allow students to practicing applying what they learn. Students can increase their understanding by using the available support, including a companion CD-ROM and web site that feature audio files to provide examples of concepts, with exercises to help students improve voice and articulation.New! An appendix on the technical aspects of radio announcing focuses on audio equipment and its proper usage.New! Updated coverage of Internet other new technology related to broadcasting and announcing, and expanded information on digital equipment.New! More highlights of career-oriented issues, particularly television broadcasting.New! Spotlight boxes at the end of every chapter focus on current personalities and issues in the field that correspond to topics just covered.