The Scanditerranean Diet

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781908337085

Brand Clearview

This title presents the ultimate prevention diet for health and longevity. Scandinavians and Southern Europeans are known to have the lowest rates of heart disease, diabetes and obesity in the world. The reason is their diet, which is a simple, well balanced, slow-carb/good fat combination of foods. This title offers eighty delicious recipes specially photographed on location. It is written by the internationally bestselling author of "The Greek Doctor"s Diet" and "The Greek Doctor"s Diet Cookbook". This is the first time a diet book has been given a lifestyle/cookery book treatment. It comes from the team who designed Ottolenghi"s "Plenty", now number 27 in Amazon"s top 100. The scientific evidence is clear: lifestyle disorders such as obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance/syndrome X and cardiovascular disease; chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma or rheumatic illnesses; female infertility; cancer - all have a great deal to do with the kind of food we eat, and the lifestyles we lead. Dr. Linderg runs four state-of-the-art metabolic clinics in Norway, offering diagnosis and multidisciplinary prevention and treatment of lifestyle disorders. In his new book he shows you how to control your weight and blood sugar, changing your lifestyle to improve your health. He shows you what foods are compatible with human evolutionary history and how food affects hormones, metabolism and health. Interspersed with the recipes are brief passages in which Dr. Lindberg explains, in terms easily understood by the lay person, the science and nutrition behind the lifestyle changes inherent in his Scandi-terranean diet concept.