Voices from Eritrea (English and Tigrinya Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780946690824

Part of a series of three dual language books which contain autobiographical writing by Eritrean, Somali and Kurdish secondary school students in London schools. This book looks at writing from Eritrea and contains factual background to the region, memories of home, language, culture, religion, school, discrimination and oppression, the journey to Britain, life in Britain, as well as information on additional resources available. Each book is illustrated with photographs and the students" own drawings. This series is designed to be used as a resource to encourage autobiographical writing at National Curriculum (NC) English Attainment Target 3 (AT3), for teaching about migration at NC geography AT4, for teaching about human rights and for ESL teachers in secondary schools and adult education, community language classes and educators concerned with the issues of discrimination.