Ronix 2013 August Wakeboard
Price 260.00 USD
ROCKER TYPE: Early Rocker - An earlier arc with a mellower degree provides a smoother, more consistent glide up the wake, carrying more speed up the transition and land tricks further out. * SHAPE: Wide Tip/Tail - Easy starts, rides higher at slow speeds, and gives riders larger sweet spot for take offs and landings. * RAILS/EDGES: Mellow Round Radius Fading Bevel - Sets a predictable smooth transitioned edge with little effort, doesn"t require a steep edge angle to get speed. Krypto Cable - Combined with Ronix"s monocoque laminated glass, this cable makes the sidewalls the strongest part of the board. * CORE: Grom Glass - A lighter, softer flexing glass designed for riders up to 95 pounds. Mod Pour - A demanding alternative foam made from Ronix"s exclusive blend of materials, this core has the highest strength to weight ratio Ronix has ever tested, setting the standard of the most refined recipe of foam in the market. Monocoque Construction - A wrapped glass from the top to the bottom means the flash line is no longer the weak point of the board and is now the strongest. * FINS: 2 detachable fiberglass 1.75" hook fins provide all the grip and stability needed in choppier water conditions. 4 Symmetric Molded Outer Fins - Needed additional grip on your toeside as a rider"s body is crossed up from the boat.