The Career Performance Portfolio System: Build Your Ladder to Career Success
The Career Performance Portfolio System is a career-planning tool that gives you a user-friendly step-by-step systems approach to gather important "Proof of Performance Documents" while working at your current job. These documents, properly organized and presented in your future interviews, will give you the competitive edge you will need to win the best job offers. Career experts are unanimous on the fact that people today will go through many more job changes than their parents. Some surveys are predicting 15 to 20 or more job changes in a lifetime! A person"s ability to market and sell himself/herself into good job opportunities will be the single most important skill needed to develop, enhance, and better his/her career. Hiring managers today are under more stress and pressure than ever to make the best hires. They will be fired if they make wrong or poor hires. Because of this, they are demanding that candidates today prove--beyond a doubt--they are top performers that produce results. Because many companies are no longer giving out general references (once you leave their company), it will be up to you to learn how to creatively document your current and past performance accomplishments. This book is full of tips and ideas on how to get your current and past supervisors and bosses to give you proof of performance documents. Bringing these documents into your future interviews will give you interviewing confidence you have never experienced before. It will squash your fear of interviewing, knowing you have exactly what hiring managers want in an interview. Proof you are the most qualified candidate for the job. The DVD, which comes with the book, is going to give you a huge advantage that few job candidates ever get to see. You will visually see just how the best job candidates are using a Career Performance Portfolio to win the job offer. Once you see it, you will be motivated to start building your portfolio. The Mapp Career Assessment is going to give you vital information that will help you better plan your career. It is taken on-line (you get assess code in DVD pouch). You will get back via email up to 20 pages of information all about YOU! Much of this information will important to share with a hiring manager as it is a document that supports who you are and what jobs you will have greatest possibilities to excel at. It is the first document you can put in your portfolio under the planning tab. This information will help you to write down specific career goals to shoot for. This assessment alone is worth the price of the book! You will be on your way to win that job you have dreamed about.