Statin-Induced Neuropathy and Myopathy: A Rethink on Lou Gehrig\"s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson\"s Disease, Huntington\"s Chorea and Alzheimer\"s Disease

Price 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780988820678

This easy-read is by the authors of the popular book, “How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time)”: In 1960, the mycotoxin gold rush of the pharmaceutical industry followed on the heels of the discovery of the first fungal toxin (mycotoxin) called aflatoxin. Hundreds of mycotoxins have since been discovered, some of which have found their way to our medicine cabinets, like statin drugs for lowering cholesterol. Many mycotoxins are well-proven nerve and muscle toxins, causing a whole host nerve and muscle related diseases. By blocking cholesterol, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, fungal toxins cause biological matter to rot, so that it is recycled. It causes cells to literally fall apart at the seams (degenerate) – as do statin drugs, one cell at a time. The good news of statins is that now we have an answer to a whole host of nerve and muscle wasting diseases, for which there were once no know cause and cure…until statins. Read on and live.