The Epicurean Collector: Exploring the World of Culinary Antiques

Price 40.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780821227596

Brand Bulfinch

Many of us have some family heirloom connected with cooking or eating that has been passed down and treasured by more than one generation, whether it"s the silver tea service or grandmother"s battered wooden spoon. Patrick Dunne has made a career of collecting and researching the history of fascinating and beautiful culinary implements. His lively column in "Southern Accents", "The Epicurean Collector", is one of the most popular features of this American magazine and his accumulated knowledge is ripe for collecting in a book. From absinthe spoons to cafe-au-lait bowls, he illuminates each subject with verve and authority and discusses a range of the most collectable items. Dunne is the proprietor of Lucullus, a well-known New Orleans antique store specializing in the area of culinary arts, and is known in both culinary and antique circles. Part food history, part connoisseur"s handbook, the book should appeal to those interested in a more general and unexplored area of food presentation, entertaining and style at the table.