ABSolution: The Practical Solution for Building Your Best Abs

Price 28.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780972018401

Brand BestAbs

The question I"m most frequently asked goes something like this, "Shawn, what"s your secret--what"s the one thing you do differently than everyone else that allowed you to build such great abs?" The one thing, the one thing, the one thing... So many people are looking for the one thing--the secret. Many people think the one thing is some ab-training device like the type you see advertised on television infomercials. It"s not. Others would like you to believe that the one thing is some miracle fat-burning pill. It"s not. Others would have you believe that the one thing--the big secret--is liposuction or some other quick fix. Once again, it"s not. The fact is, and this is the first and most fundamental lesson of my ABSolution Program, the one thing is everything! Everything we do affects the way we look and the way we feel. It"s when we exercise, how we exercise, and the exercises we do. It"s when, what, and how much we eat. It"s which vitamins and supplements we nourish our bodies with. It"s how much we rest and recover. It"s how we think and how we live. It"s everything. And, that"s what this book is all about. It"s about everything you need to learn to build your own absolutely fantastic abs.