Functional Skills Ict Student Book for Levels 1 & 2 (Microsoft Windows XP & Office 2007)

Price 23.91 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781860059483

This unique and innovative Functional Skills ICT resource provides a comprehensive and practical guide to using technology at home, at work and in education. Written specifically to the Functional Skills ICT syllabus for levels 1 and 2, this book is a comprehensive and practical study guide for use in all standalone Functional Skills qualifications or as part of the GCSE, apprenticeship and diploma courses. Feature include: A flexible and original approach to Functional Skills; Written specifically for levels 1 and 2 of the syllabus; Designed with support from educators and assessment experts; Covers all of the content that students need to know to pass the exams; Realistic work-based scenarios with ICT problems to solve; Set in a fun and engaging theme park with 8 environments to explore; Illustrated characters introduce key concepts and professional practices; A range of interesting and challenging step-by-step exercises; Specific instructions for using Microsoft Windows XP and Office 2007; Simple language that is accessible to all age ranges and abilities; Ready-made data files available to download and use; A focus on independent learning and confidence building; Hints and tips to encourage creativity and effective planning; Practice assessments to help reinforce learning.