Georgia Baptists; historical and biographical

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230202471

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1874 edition. Excerpt: ... ing-house, which was granted, "so soon as the state of the general purpose fund will warrant such appropriation." The executive committee soon paid them one hundred dollars. Rev. A. D. Cohen, a converted Jew, was invited to address the bedy in faver of the American Society for Ameliorating the Condition of the Jows. Much interest was manifested in regard to the "Christian Index," a report was made on tho subject, and the following resolution was adopted: "That the improvement and increased circulation of the "Christian Index" demand tho immodiate and prayerful consideration of this convention." Under tho direction of tho executive committee, doniestic missions were being vigorously and successfully prosecuted in difforont parts of tho State. Rev. D. G. Daniell was at work in Atlanta, preaching, and having a meeting-house built for tho use of an infant church of twenty members, recontly constituted. Ryals was still sowing tho good soed of tho kingdom in Tolfair, Appling and adjacent counties, assisted by Sauls. Duggan was doing likewiso in Montgomery county and other portions of tho pine regions. Bibles and religious books were furnished to those missionaries, which thoy scattered in thoir fields of labor. Those were some of tho moans employed hy tho Convention in thOso days for tho promotion of the good cuuso in Georgia. The blessing of God attended them, and glorious were tho triumphs of truth. 28. The sossion for 1849 was held at Athens, commencing May 18th. Introductory by Iiov. C. D. Mallary. Stocks continued as moderator, and Mell as clerk. Visiting ministers, who took seats with tho Convention, J. S. Bakor, B. Manly, Jr., nf Alabama, Drs. Hoyt and Church, of tho Presbyterian church, Magill, of tho Congregational, and Boring and...