Hung by the Tongue/Colgado por la Lengua

Price 6.26 - 6.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780965243315

Hung by the Tongue contains the essential implementing facts of the truly victorious Christian life; namely how to control our tongue. This book contains such topics as: SUCCESS IS YOURS VICTORY AND DEFEAT IS BORN IN THE MIND, AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART SO IS HE (PROVERBS 23:7), HUMANS SPEAK WHAT THEY BELIEVE AND THINK, CAUSING OFTEN DEFEAT, DEATH AND LIFE ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE (PROVERBS 18:21), JESUS SAID, "MY WORDS ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE." (JOHN 6:63), and FEAR WILL PREVENT YOU FROM SPEAKING VICTORY. This little book, "HUNG BY THE TONGUE," has helped many to rise from their defeated condition to a VICTORIOUS life. (Harrison House), Francis Martin