5 Years Without Food: The Food Allergy Survival Guide : How to Overcome Your Food Allergies and Recover Good Health

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781887624046

This book gives medical information about the diagnosis of food allergies, health problems that can be caused by food allergies, and options for treatment. It emphasizes finding and solving the root causes of food allergies rather than using "bandaid" treatment. It contains a rotation diet and recipes geared to this diet which are free of wheat, milk, eggs, corn, soy, yeast, sugar, and other common allergens. Exotic and unusual foods not mentioned in other books are included in these recipes, so this book will be useful to all food allergy patients, from those with mild allergies to the most sensitive. Instructions are given on how to personalize the standard rotation diet to meet individual needs and fit the patient"s food preferences. Updated food classification tables are included to help with planning rotation diets. Extensive reference sections include a listing of commercially prepared foods for allergy diets with ordering information.