Music Minus One Flute: Boccherini, Concerto in D major; Vivaldi, Concerto No. 2 in G minor "La Notte"; Mozart, Andante for Flute and Strings (Book & CD) (Music Minus One (Numbered))
Price 29.98 - 39.98 USD
Perform timeless Flute works with a full orchestra! Perfect for practice, rehearsal, auditions, contest solos, performances, and more! On one album MMO we bring you two classic concerti of the Italian Baroque and one classical "goodie" from Mozart. Boccherini"s D-major concerto is magical; Vivaldi"s "La Notte" is a well-known concerto full of its composer"s trademarks; and Mozart"s well-known Andante for strings is a lovely work. A magnificent collection of music which will bring you years of enjoyment. Includes a high-quality printed music score and a compact disc containing a complete performance of the concerto in split-channel stereo, with the soloist on the right channel; and a second performance in full stereo minus the soloist.