A Rebellious Prophet: Jonah (Emmaus Bible Resources)

Price 12.14 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780715149867

Prejudiced, petulant, resentful, sulky: Jonah was not just a reluctant spokesman for God, he was also a disobedient one. The story of Jonah shows how God calls and uses those who are far from perfect. As Christians, we are not all called to be prophets. But we are all called to respond in some way to God"s prompting. This study of the book of Jonah challenges us to do just that. The Emmaus Bible Resources series offers readers the opportunity to dig deeper into the Bible and grow in Christian life, faith and service. Finding a middle ground between daily Bible notes and weighty commentaries, the series contains versatile material designed for use by individuals, small groups or as part of a sermon series.