Slip and Fall Practice

Price 119.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781580120074

Brand James Pubns

Receive expert guidance from the leading authority on proving notice and breach, investigating the accident scene, determining the coefficient of friction, dealing with experts, preparing for trial and more.An Insider"s Guide to Maximizing Slip & Fall SettlementsPlaintiffs" attorneys lose more than 40% of their slip and fall cases. Considering this statistic, it is no surprise that slip and fall cases are the most difficult to win. As a result, they are often shunned by plaintiffs" counsel and undervalued by defendants and insurance carriers.Failure to prove a causative link between the hazard and a negligent act of the defendant is the number one reason for the high number of losses in slip and fall cases. In this book, Charles Turnbow, attorney-engineering consultant on over 9,000 slip and fall cases, provides you with an organization system and the tools to efficiently develop persuasive slip and fall claims. He shows you how to prove the causation (and how to efficiently screen out cases lacking it) in his highly-respected tool book, Slip & Fall Practice. Analyzing the mechanics of the fall to identify the cause. The most common cases and what they must have to win. Documenting the dangerous condition and the negligence that caused it. Establishing the duty of care. Proving control of the premises. Establishing actual or constructive notice. Showing that the hazard caused the injury.