Growing New Hair: How to Keep What You Have and Fill in Where It\"s Thin, by Margo for Men Only

Price 9.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780394514178

Brand Autumn Pr

MOST MEN worry about eventually losing their hair. Millions are in the process of thinning. And all would love to do something about it, but don"t because they believe that they"re helpless. That"s because they"ve been miseducated. Growing New Hair! promises to change all that, because: MARGO CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE THINNING HAIR AND START TO REPLENISH WHAT YOU"VE LOST. Her method is simple. You do it yourself, at home. And it"s free. The truth is that most hair loss is preventable and , in millions of cases, reversible.