Food Allergy Field Guide : A Lifestyle Manual for Families
Price 19.95 USD
Eat Different without Seeming Different. Help for Children Who Can"t Eat Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Eggs, Corn, Soy, or Nuts. That"s the goal of this positive, upbeat guide for the families and caregivers of children with food allergies, which helps families and children learn manage food sensitivities to wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, peanuts, soy, and other common food allergens in an empowering way. Written by a mother whose child can"t eat wheat or dairy, this book offers practical advice for families of allergic or celiac children, including: Latest research and discoveries on food sensitivities Advice on reading labels, grocery shopping, and eating out Tips on emotional, social, and psychological considerations so your child doesn"t feel set apart from others by his food sensitivities Pointers to help your child enjoy parties, field trips, and outings How to avoid hidden food allergens (Did you know that licorice contains wheat?) 100 kid-tested & approved recipes that make your child"s food look and taste just like everyone else"s Plus valuable cooking advice on successfully using substitutes for wheat, gluten, dairy, or eggs. (For example, did you know that flaxseed meal boiled in water makes a great egg substitute in baking?) Extensive resources such as mail-order addresses for hard-to-find ingredients, Internet sites, and discussion groups. The end result is one convenient, easy-to-read, resource-filled volume gleaned from parents of food-sensitive children around the world, as well as the children themselves, who have found that a diet that doesn"t make them sick shouldn"t make them feel different, either.