Lord of the Horizon

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780898041477

Ra-ab Hotep, the youthful hero of Eyes of Horus, is twenty-one when this novel opens. His father has just abdicated in his favor and he is now the Nomarch of the Oryx. Over Egypt there is a dark tyranny and the Watchers of the Horizon, under the leadership of Roidahn, prepare for the Dawn, the day when they would be ready to overthrow It. Lord of the Horizon relates the story of Ra-ab Hotep"s struggles against oppression and tells of his wife Meri-ososis and his sister Kiyas. "The shining ideas In this novel are ethical: the recognition and over-coming of inertia, jealousy, power-complexes In oneself and others; behavior to children, etc. . . , reports Time and Tide and then continues to say that "the charm of Miss Grant"s beautifully composed Egyptian setting and the interest in the effect on Individual consciousness of the belief In "many lives of experience" are as fresh as ever."