Building a Foundation for Preschool Literacy: Effective Instruction for Children\"s Reading and Writing Development (Preschool Literary Collection)
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In the second edition of the foundational book in the "Preschool Literacy Collection", authors Carol Vukelich and James Christie present the core content and best practice strategies needed to provide preschoolers with effective early literacy instruction. Each chapter explains why the instructional strategies should be used and offers illustrations on how the strategies have been used in early childhood classrooms by outstanding teachers of language and literacy. You will learn how to: -teach phonological awareness in developmentally appropriate ways -create a carefully planned, print-rich environment -engage in children"s play -plan a daily schedule that meets children"s needs and integrates language and literacy into all components of the curriculum -effectively read aloud to children -help parents promote their children"s literacy learning.Plus, a chapter on linking standards with assessment and instruction shows readers how to tie together the core ideas presented in the book. This second edition features a new chapter on storybook reading that explores how sharing books with children helps them develop many of the skills that researchers have identified as essential for later reading success. Further, this edition has been updated to include more detailed information on grouping and planning the daily schedule, as well as updated research to reflect new trends and ideas in the field of early literacy. Professional development sections are included in each chapter, and new vignettes illustrate the strategies in use in real classrooms.The International Reading Association is the world"s premier organization of literacy professionals. Our titles promote reading by providing professional development to continuously advance the quality of literacy instruction and research. Research-based, classroom-tested, and peer-reviewed, IRA titles are among the highest quality tools that help literacy professionals do their jobs better. Some of the many areas we publish in include: -Comprehension -Response To Intervention/Struggling Readers -Early Literacy -Adolescent Literacy -Assessment -Literacy Coaching -Research And Policy