Pop Bonsai: Fun with Arranging Small Trees and Plants

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9784770029805

So what exactly is "pop bonsai"? Bonsai like you"ve never seen before-a "freestyle" version, in fun containers, that reflects the author"s breakaway approach to this ancient art. Pop Bonsai involves taking a tiny seedling, trimming its branches and leaves, and wiring the trunk and branches to bend them into almost any style. The result: a living work of art, for next to no cost, to display as you like-in a ball of moss, on a can of beer, even in a pair of shoes or an eggcup! Naturally this does require some basic bonsai techniques, and advice on looking after plants. But in contrast to classical bonsai, where the aim is carefully to reproduce natural scenery in miniature, pop bonsai stresses the imagination and creativity of people living modern lives. Throughout, Pop Bonsai takes a no-fuss approach. Almost any kind of tree or foliage plant can be used, and you"re encouraged to grow it from scratch. Before starting, you are told what you should know about trees in general, with hints on choosing the right one for your purpose. Instructions on care and maintenance-soil, temperature, pruning, watering and fertilizers-are provided in a sensible, easy-to-follow way that should take the tension out of "gardening" even for those who have never tried it. In your own home or on a balcony or at work, pop bonsai will let you enjoy the wonder of the changing seasons close-up, and remind you how precious and fragile life can be. But, cared for properly, your tree should live for decades. And in the process it will give you a taste of the enormous satisfaction to be gained from creating, and watching over, your own living work of art.