Darkroom to Digital: Black and White Photography with Photoshop - The Art of Transition
Price 30.00 USD
Ten years after Creative Elements, his acclaimed book on traditional black-and-white photography, Eddie Ephraums now addresses the issues of switching to a Photoshop "darkroom," exploring its creative potential for printing pictures digitally. He begins by examining the values of traditional black-and-white, then looks at how digital can build upon them. Next, he takes us through a digital portfolio of photos, discussing equipment and methods and showing, step by step, how these images were made. Explaining how he emulated and improved upon traditional darkroom techniques and processes, he concludes that, creatively, black-and-white photographers have never had it so good. Eddie Ephraums is a photographer and fine-art printer. He is the author of Creative Elements, Creative Exposures, and Gradient Light and leads photographic workshops for universities as well as corporations, including Kodak and Ilford.