Every Day Is Mother"s Day Page-A-Day Calendar 2004 (Page-A-Day(r) Calendars)
19628130822, 9780761130826
Workman Publishing
Workman Publishing Co Inc
Giving birth is little more than a set of muscular contractions granting passage of a child. Then the mother is born--Erma Bombeck. A colorful bouquet of bon mots, witty quotes, and tender tributes, Every Day Is Mother"s Day celebrates mothers and motherhood with joy, humor, and, above all, love. Contributors range from anonymous sages: "God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers" (Jewish proverb) to famous and feisty public figures: "If the kids are still alive when my husband comes home, I"ve done my job" (Roseanne). Plus Things All Mothers Say and the Ten Most Prominent Mothers in the English Language.