Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps (Hardcover)
In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what"s right, burn like his power...Sinestro"s might! The Sinestro Corps, who wield fear as a weapon and are intent on the utter destruction of the Green Lanterns, are spotlighted in this collection of grim tales! From Superboy Prime, the crazed former hero intent on reviving his lost world to Hank Hall, the Cyborg Superman, who wishes only for oblivion, to Sinestro himself - once the greatest of the Green Lanterns, now a madman, the secrets of the Sinestro Corps are laid bare! "52" writer Geoff Johns and superstar writer/artist Dave Gibbons ("Watchmen") reveal the terrible truth in this must-have companion to "Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War".