Focus T25 Complete Workout Alpha, Beta & Gamma

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 68656005121

Brand Beachbody

This is a digital product..25 Minutes. 5 Days a Week. 100% Results.Your FOCUS T25 program includes:ALPHA Cycle 25-Minute Workouts: Cardio. 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio. Speed 1.0. Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results. Total Body Circuit. Focus on strength and resistance-without lifting a single weight. Ab Intervals. Cardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection. Lower Focus. Focus on your lower-body muscles-the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism.BETA Cycle 25-Minute Workouts: Core Cardio. Get your sweat on! This progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast. Speed 2.0. Rev it up with Shaun"s calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills. Rip"t Circuit. Cardio ... upper body ... legs ... abs ... repeat! This is how you get ripped in 25 minutes. Dynamic Core. You"ll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine. Upper Focus. Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.GAMMA is the 3rd cycle in the FOCUS T25 series. This set has 4 discs & workout calendars. While the GAMMA cycle is designed to be integrated into the ALPHA and BETA series, it"s also exceptionally effective as a stand-alone workout program as well. Rip"t Up: Strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest with Shaun"s 360° upper-body moves. Extreme Circuit: Build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time! In this one, the weights never leave your hands. Not even for the warm-up.This is a digital product..which means you must download this productDue to this being a digital product refunds are not accepted if you have any problem please contact me thank you