Verso by Kettler Speedy Balance Bike, Gray, 10-Inch

Price 79.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 609970871513

The latest in innovation and design makes it easy for little ones to learn to ride like the big kids. On a balance bike your child learns both static and dynamic balance without worrying about the pedals. Since their feet are always within reach of the ground, kids will naturally isolate on developing balance instead of worrying about falling. Scoot bikes help your child to learn the basics of bicycles before taking the big step of traditional kids bikes. Balance bikes are so enjoyable that children continue to play with them even after learning to ride a kids" bike. The Speedy Balance Bike features 10 inch EVA maintenance free tires on sealed ball bearings, comfort soft rubber hand grips and height adjustable contoured padded seat. The Patented Limited Turn Steering helps prevent tipping. Recommended age 2-5 years. Weight limit 75 pounds. Three-year residential warranty.