Woodford 17CP3-16-MH Freezeless Wall Faucet For Residential Use

Price 63.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 671090082209

Brand Woodford

Manufacture Woodford Mfg. Co.

The Woodford 17CP3-16-MH is a Model 17 Series freezeless wall faucet will not rupture when hose is removed and valve is shut off and features an anti-siphon for backflow prevention with a 3/4" male thread or 3/4" female copper inlet and has a powder coated cast aluminum handle and includes an intergal backflow prevention device and uses an atmospheric vent and patented check to provide anti-siphon protection. The Woodford 17CP3-16-MH is intended for year round residental irrigation purposes and has a 16" rough-in or 17 3/8" mounting depth.