TripBuilder: Rome

Price 5.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781566218009

Wander little known side streeets that are great for antiquing, view the place where the hearts of 22 popes are stashed, or picnic among the orange trees with incredible views of St. Peter"s. It"s all in the Rome TripBuilder! Informative sight descriptions unearth little-known anecdotes, unique facts, and practical advice (like when to go, how to get there and what it will cost). Color coding tells you whether a sight is a best museum, hidden treasure, historic landmark, superior shopping spot, an ancient ruin, or a great place to take the kids. DETAILED FOLD-OUT MAP shows exactly where each color-coded sight is located. Special Suggestions to make your trip even more memorable. Lightweight, easy to carry and a great value.