The Care of Neuropathic Limbs: A Practical Manual
Price 130.00 USD
Among the variety of problems that the medical profession treats, there can be none so complicated, regarding possibilities, and yet none so simple, regarding actual methods of management, as those produced by neuropathy. Until recently, however, neuropathic limbs were considered irreparable and the condition unmanageable. A distillation of Dr. Warren"s 40 years" of experience, The Care of Neuropathic Limbs: A Practical Manual fills the need for a guide to optimum care. The book brings together the many issues involved in the management of neuropathic limbs and provides effective and easy-to-follow regimens that can save feet and hands. Dr. Warren demonstrates that lesions on limbs due to a nerve deficit will heal if the limb is adequately rested and protected from further trauma during healing. She covers:Diagnosis Understanding the effects of lack of normal sensationProtection of skin ulcersConservative surgeryFunctional reconstructionMany publications cont ain special sections focusing on neuropathic limbs, but few of them comprehensively cover the entire range of treatment available. Copiously illustrated with photographs and line drawings, The Care of Neuropathic Limbs: A Practical Manual presents an integrated, multidisciplinary approach that shows the medical team how to organize its program and help patients maintain their limbs in functional condition.