An Inculturation Model of the Catholic Marriage Ritual

Price 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780814661864

In An Inculturation Model of the Catholic Marriage Ritual, David William Antonio presents a model of how the Catholic Ritual of Marriage may be adapted to the language, culture and traditions of a particular people, specifically, the Ilocanos of Northern Luzon in the Philippines. Vatican II called for the revision and adaptation of the rite of marriage, exhorting local churches to develop their own rites suited to their people’s particular customs and traditions. The work of preparing a rite of marriage for a particular region cannot be limited to merely translating the typical edition. There has to be a thorough examination of both the editio typica and the people’s religious and cultural traditions, the socio-economic and political realities that confront them, attending to the positive values expressed therein. Only a dialogical process such as this will guarantee a liturgy that is faithful to the Christian tradition and meaningful to a given people. To do this, An Inculturation Model of the Catholic Marriage Ritual begins by examining the revised edition of the Rite for Celebrating Marriage. It analyzes the theology of marriage, the principles of liturgical celebration, and its directives for the work of inculturation or preparation of regional texts. The liturgical and theological principles which must guide the development of an adapted rite are then discussed. This is followed by an investigation of the customs, rites, and beliefs of the Ilocano people surrounding marriage. Finally, it presents a liturgical ritual that is adapted to and suited for the Ilocanos. This continuous rite begins at the time of engagement and carries through to the wedding and is marked with catechesis and celebration in the various stages. The adapted ritual offers dynamic translations of formularies as well as new texts. An Inculturation Model of the Catholic Marriage Ritual will serve as a model for people of other cultures who have to do similar liturgical preparation and will be important especially to churches whose membership includes people who experienced colonization but never lost the riches of their own cultures in the blending of cultures and beliefs that followed.