Zen & Horseback Riding, 3rd Edition: Applying the Principles of Posture, Breath and Awareness to Riding Horses
Price 14.22 - 17.95 USD
Zen & Horseback Riding explains the location, importance and use of the psoas muscles. The psoas are the deep core muscles that link the upper and lower girdles of the body. They are the basis of all efficient body movement and can be used by participants in any athletic activity. This book explains how to correctly use your body to obtain tone (strength with flexibility), self-carriage (stability and lift) and movement (vertically bilateral) both on and off the horse. Zen & Horseback Riding is about using horseback riding as a means of self-development and training. It is about improving your riding and your life. The Riding section has information about tone, engaging the psoas and hyoid muscles, self-carriage, breathing the Vertical "C," and movement. Information about time and space, pushing and pulling, time and resource management, habit and finding a balance is presented. Learn how this directly applies to both your riding and your life.