The Ultimate Guide to Making Outdoor Gear and Accessories: Complete, Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Knives, Bows and Arrows, Fishing Tackle, Decoys, Gun Cabinets, and Much More
When the weather is bad or it"s the off-season, when their favorite sports are ruled out for whatever reason, many outdoorsmen turn their attention to making and repairing the staples of their sports. Whether it is a new gun stock, a specialized fishing lure, a duck or goose decoy, a backpack, or even a canoe, there is both pleasure and economy in fashioning it yourself. The pleasure is not only in the craftsmanship, but in actually using the gear in the field. In THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MAKING OUTDOOR GEAR AND ACCESSORIES, Monte Burch has included instructions, diagrams, and photographs for a variety of projects of interest to outdoorsmen, including guns and gun accessories, knives, archery tackle, bird and animal calls, waterfowl blinds of various sorts, tents, quail return pens, waterproof camera boxes, shooting benches, and gun and fishing tackle cabinets. Anyone with a rudimentary grasp of carpentry and handcrafting will find something here to his taste. Whether simply taking a couple of pieces of yardstick, a rubber band, and some household tape to make a varmint call, constructing a complicated recurve bow from a kit, or installing a fiberglass deck on a johnboat, there is something here for every outdoorsman who wants to say of a piece of sporting equipment: "I made it myself."