On Deadline: Managing Media Relations

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780881333459

Building on the success and high standards of its previous two editions, the updated and expanded third edition of On Deadline: Managing Media Relations maintains its status as the foremost book on media relations in the corporate and nonprofit sectors. From hosting news conferences on the Internet to responding to reporters" queries in an emergency, from creating a media program to sustaining good relationships with journalists, from coaching spokespersons on interview techniques to providing bottom-line measurement and evaluation of media programs, the authors give practical advice based on decades of real-world experience. All aspects of media relations are included, beginning with basic definitions of news and how it gets to the public and building to more sophisticated evaluation and counseling sections. Ethics, media events, and crisis communications all have separate chapters. As well, this edition includes a new chapter on how changes in the media world are changing the media relations job, greatly expanded coverage of international media relations, emphasis on more sophisticated measurement tools focusing on changing opinions and behaviors, new information on how the Internet has affected the practice of media relations, and new and more case histories than ever before. With a clear and fast-moving style, the third edition of On Deadline is a practical guide to effectively managing media relations programs that will help achieve your organization"s business goals and make you a valued counselor to management.