Marketing with Newsletters: How to Boost Sales, Add Members & Raise Funds with a Print, Fax, E-mail, Web Site or Postcard Newsletter

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781930500112

Marketing with Newsletters is an invaluable business marketing book that shows readers how to use newsletters to sell. This new third edition completely updates Elaine Floyd"s classic instruction book and includes information on combining new media with print for superior results. Readers will learn how to: Expand a newsletter "concept" into a total news campaign that includes e-mail and Web site news Use print newsletters to drive Web traffic Use postcards to collect e-mail addresses Use e-mail and Web content to build lists for print newsletters Readers will also find advice on what to write about, how to attract attention, tips for effective design on a budget, advice on setting up distribution lists for maximum results, Web resources for newsletter editors and new ways to survey readers online. Elaine Floyd is an expert on helping businesses sell and market with what they know. She"s written several books, including Quick and Easy Newsletters, Advertising from the Desktop and Making Money Writing Newsletters, and co-authored The Newsletter Editor"s Handbook and The Newsletter Sourcebook.