Ultimate Nutrition Massive Whey Gainer Chocolate -- 9.4 lbs

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 99071002051

Massive Whey Gainer is simple formula with extraordinary qualities to give you perfect sense of massive muscles. This power booster provides you high calories with accurate ratio of carbs to protein of 2:1. Normally other muscle gainers have only 5 to 10 % protein and rest is compensated by sugar, but this real formula gives you 30 % high quality whey protein to build massive muscles. Massive Whey Gainer supplies your body with 55 grams of the highest quality (as measured by Biological Value, BV) peptide-bonded and free form amino acids, predigested complex carbohydrates (glucose polymers), and pure crystalline fructose and U.S.P. quality vitamins. It does not have soy protein or artificial sweetener.