Scotch Loch-Fishing (Dodo Press)

William Senior (c1839-1920), was a British angler, author and editor. He was an angling writer for The Field - the world’s oldest country and fieldsports magazine, having been published continuously since 1853 - and later Editor (1900-1910). Under his nom de plume Red Spinner he was at the forefront of fishing advances and experimentation, primarily dry fly-fishing, although it was F. M. Halford - a Field contributor - who developed the dryfly ethos. In 1876 he was appointed Principal Shorthand Writer at the Queensland Hansard in Australia and was chief reporter there until 1881. He also contributed articles on angling and other topics to the Queenslander and other fishing journals and magazines under the pen-name of Red Spinner. His works include: Notable Shipwrecks (1873), Waterside Sketches: A Book For Wanderers and Anglers (1875), Travel and Trout in the Antipodes: An Angler’s Sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand (1880), Scotch Loch-Fishing (1883), Near and Far: An Anglers Sketches of Home Sport and Colonial Life (1890), A Mixed Bag: A Medley of Angling Stories and Sketches (1895), The Sea Fisher in Foreign Parts (1895), Pike and Perch (1900) and Lines in Pleasant Places: Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler (1920).