Whispers Between the Lines
Price 10.76 - 12.17 USD
The Earth is changing, and the pages you are about to read have the ability to help you in your life, as they have helped author Patricia A. Killingsworth in hers. She believes the messages are from the angels, written over and over since the beginning of man"s attempts to communicate. She describes words of wisdom, words of guidance, and angelic forms of light. The time is now; the masses need to heal. They are timeless words of direction and encouragement. Open the pages and explore; open your heart to feel the love, and open your mind to receive the guidance and the wisdom. Your days will be brighter. Your path will be illuminated as each step you take will be accompanied by the angelic light. May we all have the experience of connecting through love. Wouldn"t the world truly be a better place? Each day an angel to accompany you along your journey; each night an angel to watch over and assist you on your slumber travels. Enjoy!