Black Divinity: Manifesto of The Black Theocracy

Price 15.23 - 34.82 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781468583144

From the days of ancient Egypt into the times of classical Greece the black people of Africa have been seen as divine and endowed with supernatural gifts and powers that separate them from other peoples. Their system of cleanliness, worship, ritual, family, education and organization, even though still tribal, allowed for huge advances in science, art and mysticism. However, due to a long succession of invasions, manipulations, captivity, slavery and colonization many of their ancient customs have been lost or corrupted and their simplicity exploited and interpreted as primitive. Within the course of time many new Afro-centric groups and organizations in the West sought to recapture some of the authentic African spirit behind the ancient cultures in an attempt to piece together the ancient African system that was lost. Among these groups arose the ever influential Nation of Islam. To their already fringe opinions and outlook was added the Nation of Gods and Earths as a fringe of the fringe. Taking the process all the more further is the godbody, or the street section of the Nation of Gods and Earths. Their outlook, style and operation is completely centred on that which could be called the godhood of the black man, or black divinity. This work exposes the intricate beauty and complexity of their street culture to allow those outside to see that those in the United States street culture actually do have a very respectable, while yet Afro-centric doctrinal system (including a sociology, pneumatology, eschatology, ethnology, anthropology, soteriology and ecclesiology) and how to apply it to the real world. It is also an attempt to fulfil the mission of the early Afro-centric movements and resurrect an Afro-chic culture that connects black people the world over with the souls of our ancient ancestors.