You Should Have Been Here Yesterday...: A Treasury of the Best Fishing Cartoons
Price 12.95 USD
This marvelous collection contains 150 hilarious cartoons--both old and new--by John Troy, one of America"s most gifted outdoor humorists. They treat all forms of fishing, from dry-fly angling for trout to party-boat fishing in salt water. From the man standing in the prow of a storm-tossed lifeboat casting a fly rod (while his fellow shipwrecked passengers cry for mercy: "For the love of God, man, switch to wets... they"ll never rise in seas like this!") to the new arrival at the Pearly Gates in full fishing gear (who is told, as every angler is at one time or another: "You should have been here yesterday. They were really biting."), this priceless collection of brilliant wit and laughter will entertain anglers everywhere. It makes a perfect gift for anyone who loves to fish.