The Logical Soul, 3rd Ed.: Eliminate Self-Sabotage in 30 Minutes of Less For Success, Wealth, Love & Happiness

Price 21.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780980067484

THIS LISTING HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. It is still available elsewhere on this site, however, and should be listed in as part of your search. ************* FORGET EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVERY HEARD ABOUT THE LAW OF ATTRACTION! . . . If you have tried without success to harness the power of Affirmations and the Law of Attraction, you may be missing a KEY ELEMENT not accessible through tapping, hypnosis, and similar methods. The miracles you expect will seldom show up in your life until you know how to use this element! According to Dr. Michael Craig, it’s not your fault that you don"t know it or use it. He discovered that something called the "Seed of Failure" flat out stops over 95% of the population who try to “fake it ‘til they make it” . . . and along the way also discovered why all your conscious efforts to root out and change this failure only serve to make it stronger. Read this book and change your life today!