Beyond Titanic [VHS]
As the 20th century draws to a close, the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 remains one of the most resonant events in modern history. Not only was it the biggest story of its day, but the tragic tale of 1,500 doomed souls and the capsized dream of industrial superiority seems to loom ever larger on the horizon inspiring some of the most potent popular mythology of the century. This feature-length program explores the aftermath and the legacy of the most momentous shipwreck of all time, taking viewers through the entire popular phenomenon surrounding one of the most outsized events in modern history. The program includes survivors" tales, deep-sea excavations, relics and ruins of the great ship all remain endlessly fascinating. And judging from the astonishing number of songs, books, feature films, shows, documentaries, and merchandise inspired by the tragedy, the story of the sinking by iceberg grows more engrossing every day.