Jerusalen De Oro
Price 24.12 USD
"Jerusalen De Oro" is the definitive Messianic best-of collection for Latin America! Featuring popular worship leaders like Paul Wilbur, Rene Gonzalez and the talented violin of Maurice Sklar, it will have you dancing like King David. This 17-song long-play album contains some of the best-loved Messianic songs like "Canta Canta," "Dias De Elias" and "Levantare Mis Ojos A El." 1. O Jah2. Fuego Santo3. Mi Ayuda De Donde Vendra4. Voz Ve Jubilo Y De Salvacion5. Cantemos Con Gozo A Dios6. Canta- Canta7. Entrare A Jerusalen8. Dias De Elias9. Melodia Judia10. Levantare Mis Ojos A El11. Yeshua Es Senor12. Los Muros Caeran13. Los Cielos Se Abriran14. Ven Y Subamos A Sion15. Venid Subamos16. Baruj Aba17. En Tu Presencia