The demon of Sicily

Price 13.40 - 13.69 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230215297

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1807 edition. Excerpt: ... wife of Ugo De Tracy, who, if he were here, would well chastise thee for this insolence. Like him, I spurn whatever is base and dishonorable, and such I hold the Signor Leonardi." The Knight rose from his bended knee, in a transport of rage he flung from his grasp the arm of Isabella; he laid his hand on his faulchion, suddenly he withdrew, while he gnashed his teeth, and inwardly muttered curses deep and horrid. Isabella, with a dignified firmness walked toward the portals of the chapel. Soon her elegant form was lost to the view of the deep-plotting Vicensio; who, when he heard the closing of the distant portals, laid his right hand on the altar, and solemnly swore to be revenged of Isabella De Tracy. The statue of the Holy Mother started at his horrid oath, while from each marble tomb in the chapel burst a melancholy groan, which deep sounded in the ears of Leonardi. "Groan on, and start," he furiously exclaimed, "portends and prodigies are lost on me, use your arts, ye mouldering bone*, and you, inanimate represenative of the immaculate Virgin, may raise your arms arms again, and look with horror on me, I fear not all that you can do." Dark grew the chapel; a murky cloud hung before the large casement; but by the still small glimmering of light Leonardi beheld himself surrounded by tall skeletons, who waved their fleshless arms for him to depart. It was then that cold drops of water stood on the forehead of Leonardi-- "Tremble !" said a voice over the altar. He raised his eyes, the statue of the Virgin again appeared animated; its gaze was fixed on him. Leonardi fled, he was unable to endure dure the horror of the moment. With him fled the shadow of night, the murky cloud disappeared, and the frail remaias of mortality sought their...