Management of Nitrogen and Water in Potato Production
Price 60.40 - 74.10 USD
Potato is very sensitive to water and nitrogen applied during growth, affecting its profitability and impact on the environment. Recent scientific and technical breakthroughs enable us to make best use of water and nitrogen. This book shows how scientific knowledge works in practice. This systematic and comprehensive book on crop, soil and water technologies will assist producers to achieve optimal production with maximum benefit to themselves and to the environment. Questions, such as the following are answered: which sampling techniques of plants and soil are available and which should I use?; what does the data gathered mean and how do they assist in water and nitrogen application?; which decision support systems exist for rain-fed, irrigated, precision or organic farming? The book updates and interprets knowledge in a simple way. It is intended for farmer, farmers" consultants, researchers and decision makers and also for students in soil science and agronomy.