Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs (Bloomsbury Religious Studies)

Price 108.00 - 120.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781441113870

Sikhs Across Borders is the first study to explore patterns of transnational practices amongEuropean Sikhs, with particular focus on the links between the Sikhs in Europe,Punjab (the "home-land") and within a global Sikh community. The bookillustrates how local and transnational spheres coexist and interact in amultitude of social and cultural practices and discourses among European Sikhspast and present. Based on new empirical research Sikhs Across Borders book explores how religion continues to play a significant role in the daily lives of European Sikhs and is important for their maintenance of linkswith the homeland, as well as Sikhs in other parts of the world. The team of international contributors show how Sikhs are shaping new self-representations and identity constructions through a multitude of transnational practices on the individual, national and global level, such asmarriages, pilgrimage narratives, and the use of the internet and new media. Further transnational practices examined include religious learning and teaching practices and responses to political events in the diaspora.