The Miracle Worker Literature Guide (Common Core and NCTE/IRA Standards-Aligned Teaching Guide)

Price 18.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780976817734

As a busy teacher, you don t have time to waste reinventing the want to get down to the business of teaching! With Secondary Solutions Common Core and NCTE/IRA Standards-Based teacher-written Literature Guides, you can address the English/Language Arts content standards while you teach the required core literature! Our practical, fully-reproducible Guides have everything for student and teacher in ONE need to purchase both a student and teacher edition! No wasted white space, no repetitive worksheets with questions and answers that take up page after page, and no juvenile pictures that waste space and insult your students! Just high-quality, teacher-developed materials that help you get the most out of your time in the classroom. Note: Common Core Alignment documentation available on Secondary Solutions website. This Secondary Solutions teaching guide for The Miracle Worker contains 40 pages of student coursework, quizzes, tests, and teacher guides aligned with seventh and eighth grade English / Language Arts content standards, and includes: Biographies on William Gibson, Helen Keller, and Anne Sullivan Anticipation/Reaction Pre-Reading Activity Notes on the Elements of Drama Vocabulary List and Review Crossword Scene Guides for Each Act Standards Focus Activities on Flashback, Sensory Details, Plot Development, Setting, Autobiographical Writing, and Character Development Assessment Preparation Activities on Context Clues, Synonyms, and Analogies Quizzes for Each Act Final Test Summary of the Play Pre-Reading, Post-Reading, and Alternative Assessment Activities Essay/Writing Ideas and Prompts Project and Essay Rubrics Complete Answer Key